
Copyright - Droits D'Auteur

Some rights reserved. All my work is licensed under a 
Creative Commons Attribution
-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

Toutes mes créations sont sous Copyrights

Article L. 111-1 du Code de la propriété intellectuelle :  
 L'auteur d'une oeuvre de l'esprit jouit sur cette oeuvre, du seul  
 fait de sa création, d'un droit de propriété incorporelle exclusif  
 et opposable à tous.  
 Ce droit comporte des attributs d'ordre intellectuel et moral,  
 ainsi que des attributs d'ordre patrimonial.

Article L. 123-1 du Code de la propriété intellectuelle :  
 L'auteur jouit, sa vie durant du droit exclusif d'exploiter son oeuvre  
 sous quelque forme que ce soit et d'en tirer un profit pécuniaire.  
 Au décès de l'auteur, ce droit persiste au bénéfice de ses ayants-droits  
 pendant l'année civile en cours et les soixante-dix années qui suivent.

All my creations are Copyright

Article L. 111-1 of the Code of Intellectual Property:
  The author of a work of the mind shall enjoy in that work, the only
  Because of its creation, an exclusive incorporeal property right
  enforceable against all.
  This right shall include attributes of an intellectual and moral,
  as well as patrimonial attributes.

Article L. 123-1 of the Code of Intellectual Property:
  The author enjoys, his life during the exclusive right to exploit his work
  in any form whatsoever and to derive monetary profit.
  On the death of the author, this right shall subsist for their beneficiaries
  during the calendar year and the seventy years following.

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Things I Do

Hearings - Top 5

| Spider-Man Homecoming = (100%) | Harley Quinn Digital Paint = (98%) | Leia Organa = (82%) | The Chronicles Of Kalima = (75%) | Pegasus Seiya = (70%)


|1 Story [2014-Present] = 3D Artist |2 Story [2010-2014] = Digital Artist |3 Story [1980-2010] = Designer, Singer, Musician, Craftsman |4 Born [1973] = Born in - April 05, 1973 |1 - I always loved art, in all its forms. But I prefer the cinema, music, comics... |2 - Since my childhood I draw in pencil on paper, I also do a bit of paint ... and for some years I realize fan arts. |3 - All this led me to the world of 3D. I now work with 3D tools. It's fascinating to me. This gives free rein to the imagination and creativity. I'm still creative. I can not go a day without being creative. |4 - So, perhaps with your support, I could realize my oldest dream: to live my passion. Live my art. Thank you to all for your support. David |5 -

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Full Name : David C.Designs

3D Artist, Digital Artist

Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, France

For all Enquiries, contact me at davidcdesigns@outlook.com



